Дата вступления в силу / Effective date: 28 JAN 2021
Дата публикации / Publication date: 17 DEC 2020
AIRAC AMDT 001/2021
See AMDT tab
GEN 1.1 Para 7. Agricultural Quarantine URL address changed
GEN 2.5 Purpose updated
GEN 3.1 AIS and NOTAM Office Email address, Schedule of AIRAC effective dates changed
GEN 3.2 AIS Office Email address changed
ENR 2.1 KARAKOL Tower hours of service changed
ENR 2.2 Section - Other regulated airspace added
ENR 3.2 Segment on route B351 updated and segment IRGUL-ANJAR on route G79 withdrawn
ENR 3.3 Segments on route L145 (KESOR-DODOL-DEMAS) added
ENR 4.4 Point DODOL added and routes updated
ENR 6 ENRC - Chart updated
AD 2 UCFM ILS DME 26 - MAPt line in profile moved
AD 2 UCFO ARC - class of airspace added
UCFP AD 2.18 Hours of operation changed
AD 2 UCFP ADC - headers and footers changed
AD 2 UCFP AGM AND APC - headers and footers changed
AD 2 UCFP ARC - headers and footers changed, class of airspace added
AD 2 UCFP VAC - headers and footers changed